Smgw-nw #4 (1/2”) Kovinski grometi in podložke za vrat (144 kosov od vsakega) - Kovinski grometi & podložke za vrat
Brass grommet and extended neck washer reinforce a hole with two entire parts using a barrel to barrel setting.
This multipurpose grommet and washer combination can be used in a variety of materials including thick industrial fabrics, canvas, leather, and heavy duty vinyl tarps.
Fully automatic grommet setting machines easily set grommets and neck washers since the washer’s neck allows it to be slide down the channel (M 500 Fully Automatic Machine) of the setting machine.
Please take a look to the chart in order to find the dimensions you need for every size and finishes of sheet metal grommet and neck washer manufactured by Micron America.
Finishes:Brass, Nickel, Black
Weight:1.50 lbs
Categories:Metal Grommets, Sheet Metal Grommets & Neck Washers